2009年9月21日 星期一



一般認為,社會政策起源於1873年德國學者組織的「社會政策學會」。第一個給予社會政策以科學概念的是華格納(Adolph Wagner)。1891年他在發表的一篇論文中提出,社會政策是運用立法和行政手段,調節財產所得和勞動所得之間的分配不均問題。但是只有到了20世紀的中期以後,由於經濟學、政治學和系統科學等學科的加盟,源於社會福利理論的社會政策才逐漸成為為具有開放性、交叉性和系統性等特點的獨立的應用社會科學學科。



Social policy relates to guidelines for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare. Thus social policy is that part of public policy that has to do with social issues. In most European countries, those types of insurance are made mandatory by law. As a result, the number of people living in industrialized democracies without health insurance is very small, with the exception of the US. However, those policies are facing additional challenges in recent years, as the population is aging and the number of contributors dwindling, while there are more and more beneficiaries. Social policy is thus becoming an important challenge for politicians and policymakers. Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs for education, health, housing and social security. In an academic environment, social policy refers to the study of the welfare state and the range of responses to social need. In United States politics, social policies are those which regulate and govern human behavior in areas such as sexuality and general morality. Social policies are in contrast to other, more traditional forms of political policy, such as foreign policy and economic policy. Modern-day social policies may deal with the following issues:
abortion, and the regulation of its practice
the legal status of
the rules surrounding issues of
marriage, divorce, and adoption
poverty, welfare, and homelessness and how it is to deal with these issues
Social policy may be influenced by
religion and the religious beliefs of politicians. Political conservatives as a whole generally favor a more traditionalist approach that favors individual initiative and private enterprise in social policy. Political liberals, on the other hand favor the guarantee of equal rights and entitlements to all people and tend to favor state regulation or insurance to support this. In Europe and Canada, social policy usually refers to policies affecting the social conditions under which people live. Important areas of social policy in these countries are:
Health insurance, Accident insurance, Unemployment insurance
Retirement insurance, Labor regulation,

Social policy
often deals with issues which Rittle & Webber (1973) called
wicked problems.

